Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Robin and deer

Hey folks.

So this is a picture of Robin with the deer at Dunham Massey, a National Trust house and gardens near Manchester that we visited last week when we were up there for the England v Greece game. Click here to see its home page. We had a lovely walk around the grounds with our pals Simon and Evelyn, who'd taken us there. Top ice creams too!


Anonymous said...

Robin looks a bit scared of those antlers! Sarah, Derby

Dawn said...

I'm thinking those deer most be fed by the humans quite a bit for you to be that close to them.

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture! The closest I usually get to deer is almost hitting them when driving home from work - lol! I did have one in my front yard a few weeks ago - I think it surprised me more than I surprised it!

KJ in the USA

Kit said...

Actually, they had signs up asking people not to feed them - but I guess they get used to having people about. Besides, that one was too busy eating to notice me and Robin approaching with a camera...