Me, she and Robin
Originally uploaded by athens2004blog.
These final Olympic characters are Kit and his fiance, Lex. They came to Athens for the whole of the Olympics and wrote about their experiences on Athens 2004 Blog. They went to 22 sessions of 16 events in 17 different venues. They brought a Robin with them. And they all had an absolutely great time.
Yup, this is the last entry we're writing in Greece - we're off back to London first thing in the morning and we're spending a (much-needed) day at the beach today - but before we go, we thought you might like to see what we look like, seeing as we're all friends now. This is us outside our last event, the handball.
Thanks again for reading. Over the next few days we'll be posting up those 'best' lists we promised, and then after that, well, we'll see (I'm amazed how many of you have emailed to say you'd like to read a blog about our forthcoming wedding!). But this certainly won't be the last you see of Robin - whether it's Torino 2006 or Beijing 2008 or (more likely) something long before then, he's got a taste for getting in pictures and he ain't about to quit now. So do keep stopping by - the blog will certainly be updated regularly.
Right. That's it for Greece then. But come back during the rest of this week for lots of post-Games stuff.
Efharisto and adio for now!