Saturday, August 14, 2004

Djibouti: the plot gets decidedly thick...

KJ from the USA (who's Robin's Number 1 fan) has written with more Djibouti info. 'There has been 1 Olympic medal won by a Djibouti athlete,' she/he says. 'In 1988, in Seoul, Ahmed Saleh from Djibouti won a bronze medal in the Men's Marathon with a time of 2:10:59.'

She/he goes on to reveal that 'nomadic animal herding is the main occupation in Djibouti, but most revenue comes from the Djibouti Port. I did find a picture of the beautiful Djibouti Sheraton, if you're interested in visiting.' Yes, I think I can safely say we all are - what's the link?

Myself, I've managed to discover that the sole Djibouti athlete is indeed a tennis player and she's called Abdo Abdallah. But here's the weird bit. According to the Official Olympic Tennis Draw on there is no Abdallah in the first round of the women's draw. So is she not playing? And if not, why is she here? It's a weird one...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No wonder you cant find the Dijbouti tennis player in the womens event because hes a MALE!! Is this a new scandal or have we missed something?

On the flag problem there is none - just watched the hockey match on Tv and there were loads of union jacks st georges flags scottish flags so u should be ok